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Tattoo Different Styles – Thomas

Thomas by Louise Z. L. – Traditionally this ancient cross was used by Saint Thomas Christians, but still represents christianity as a whole. A tattoo of the Christian cross represents a symbol of religious faith and belief that Jesus is god on earth Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Different Styles – Thomas

Mother Tattoos Ideas – Uriel

Uriel by Chrissy DiBiasio – Our guardian angels remind us that we are never truly alone. Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Mother Tattoos Ideas – Uriel

Tattoo Art Ideas – The Path Forward

The Path Forward by Naveen Senanayake – This tattoo combines the guiding principles of a compass and Bible, inspiring faith, direction, purpose, and a steady moral compass. Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Art Ideas – The Path Forward

Easy Tattoos Ideas – Traicere

Traicere by Melina – While it may look simple (especially as a tiny, fine line tattoo), the cross is a symbol of faith, and faith is actually quite complex. Believing in something you can’t see can be scary. It requires strength and blind trust. So this little design represents more than religion and faithit also […]

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