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Ideas For Tattoos – The Rectangular Reveal

The Rectangular Reveal by Tara Castator – This piece is apart of a two part set within a larger theme exploring the idea of the trim and the reveal. They were inspired by elements of architecture which have the same function: they are both thresholds or mediators between two things. In an architectural sense, the […]

Small Tattoo Ideas – You Are My World

You Are My World by Jocelyn Covarrubias – You are my galaxy, my universe, my world. Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Small Tattoo Ideas – You Are My World

Tattoo Simple Design – Void Witch

Void Witch by Crypto Coven – A lingering curse from the WITCH of the VOID.?<br><br>A collaboration with Crypto Coven and Superlotl from . A tattoo is a talisman. Use it well. Art appreciation of temporary tattoo stickers : Tattoo Simple Design – Void Witch

Arm Tattoo Ideas – The Reveal

The Reveal by Tara Castator – This piece is apart of a two part set titled “The Trim and The Reveal”. They were inspired by elements of architecture which have the same function: they are both thresholds or mediators between two things. In an architectural sense, the trim and the reveal have the same function […]

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